5 Healthy Food

Taking care of your diet will not just help you with proper digestion, but your overall well-being. Making the right food choices will lead you to living a healthy life. Unhealthy food habits not only affects our physique but it also expands chances of life-threatening diseases like high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes etc. Beginning this article with some smart tips to maintain a healthy diet. Replace your soft drinks with water and green tea Go vegetarian for at least 1 day a week Make sure that 50% of your meal is fresh produce Eat whole fruit instead of juices. There is less fibre and more added sugar in fruit juices. It is advisable to avoid processed meats as they are high in sodium. Furthermore, a nutritionist or a dietician can guide you on how to curate a good diet. Below are the top 5 healthiest foods that you need to incorporate in your daily life to stay fit and healthy. Cit...