Covid-19 causes Erectile Dysfunction

We never knew that the maxim, “We learn something new each day” would apply to the Covid-19 virus as well. A year into the pandemic yet, we wake up to some new piece of information about the Coronavirus. Researchers are still learning about the long-term impacts of Covid-19, and every day they figure out something new. From Black fungus to Hypoxia, Covid-19 and comorbidities have become increasingly common. One of the latest additions to this list is the link between Covid-19 and Erectile Dysfunction. In the rest of this article, we will be taking a look into this. Erectile Dysfunction Overview A study conducted in Italy was the first to suggest a link between Covid-19 infection and erectile dysfunction. The study was conducted on about 100 sexually active adult males out of which 25 had tested positive for Covid-19 and 75 were negative. The subjects were retrieved from an earlier study named Sex@COVID. The patients were matched based on their health factors including Genera...